I am interested in becoming a Sidecar beta tester for this make/model/year.
My tester profile:
iOS Version: 18.1
Apple Watch Available: Yes
watchOS Version (if you have a watch): watchOS 10.6.1
Internet connected vehicle: Yes
OBD Device Available: Willing to purchase
OBD Device model: Looking for recommendations
Testing Availability: Daily
Time zone: EST, UTC-5:00
Additional Notes:
I am interested in becoming a Sidecar beta tester for this make/model/year.
My tester profile:
iOS Version: 18.2
Apple Watch Available: Yes
watchOS Version (if you have a watch): watchOS 11.2
Internet connected vehicle: Yes
OBD Device Available: Yes
OBD Device model: Vgate iCar Pro Bluetooth 4.0
Testing Availability: Daily
Time zone: EST, UTC-5:00
Additional Notes: