I downloaded the app and have been testing it. I see the amount of charge left as well as tire pressure and other parameters. When I use CarPlay and use the app, all I see is just raw data. I can see the trip on the map but I dont see any data being overlayed. Am I doing it wrong?
Can you share a screenshot here of what you see? If you take a screenshot on your phone while CarPlay is active it will also take a screenshot of your CarPlay screen.
New OBD reader came in and am getting much better success with the app! Much like the comment above this I don’t see the data overlayed on the trips. Other the the speed and route and idle time but I’m assuming that’s coming from my phone GPS data.
Also would love more connectables? So far I have SOC and tire pressure but that seems to be it?
SoC should start getting captured in trip reports now that it's being being pulled by your OBD scanner — if it isn't please let me know here and I'll look into why that might not be happening.
Which OBD scanner were you using before? I'll order it to see if I can find out why it might not be working for you.
Odd that the SoC isn't showing up there. Do you have the SoC Connectable turned on in your vehicle parameters page? Is it updating as you're driving?
Another thing to check: is your car registered as an electric or hybrid engine in your Vehicles & accounts page? You can find this by tapping your vehicle's VIN and checking the engine type.
I installed the app on my iPhone and tested the app on Apple CarPlay. I tried to upload some photos that I took but the software would not let me attach them. Please let me know how I can send you the photos. On another note, the 2 week trial period ended on my subscription and I cant test it any further without paying for the subscription.
@spenumatsa and @Tiny.Mot it seems you're both running into the same issue with the CarPlay widgets not appearing. To help me debug why this might be happening to you, can you confirm the following questions:
While you are in the car, the vehicle is on, and your scanner is plugged in and turned on, do you see your scanner connected in Sidecar's Settings > Your scanners page?
Assuming yes, when you navigate to the connected scanner, do you see your vehicle listed there?
Assuming yes, when you connect to CarPlay do you see an IONIQ 5 and OBD symbol on the left-hand side of the CarPlay screen within Sidecar?
If not, is trip logging enabled in Sidecar's Settings? Do you have a default vehicle set?
I installed the app on my iPhone and tested the app on Apple CarPlay. I tried to upload some photos that I took but the software would not let me attach them. Please let me know how I can send you the photos. On another note, the 2 week trial period ended on my subscription and I cant test it any further without paying for the subscription.
I sent you an email with the promo code If you're unable to upload photos here you can email them to me at support@clutch.engineering.
I've added two more parameters for odometer and velocity (hopefully!) in SHA: 54c2e02. If anyone can test with these new parameter definitions, please share the results here!